
Converting excel document into sql

I attempted several times to import data in my excel file to SQL but failed miserably. This is the one time that I succeeded. First I opened Then, I uploaded my excel file, which provides the SQL code for that file. Is there any better way to do this? Please comment. Thanks.

How to disable double-click on an element using Jquery?

While searching the internet for the solution to this problem, there were many solutions with different approaches. I tried many of them, but the best one to fulfill my need is below. Jquery Function Implementation: I found this solution on this link. Here, I have changed the timer to 300 which was best suited …

How to disable double-click on an element using Jquery? Read More »

Laravel Form Collective Select Tutorial

The select form is a bit complicated among other forms in Laravel collective. It is because we need to follow certain rules to make it work. First of all the code of the form looks like this Form::select(“postId”, $post, null, [‘class’ => ‘form-control’]); Let me explain the code first. We need to store the value …

Laravel Form Collective Select Tutorial Read More »

Using When Condition Inside a query in Laravel

Similar to the previous article I wrote about using the IF condition inside a query (Click Here for the link), I asked Reddit for the best way to handle the query in my previous article and I learned a bunch of ways where we can get the same solution. One of them using the when …

Using When Condition Inside a query in Laravel Read More »

Using IF Condition Inside a query in Laravel

The task for me today was to filter the products as per their status i.e if they are published then their value would be 1 and if they are unpublished then their value would be 0. But I didn’t want to create three queries for them, one for each condition. Therefore, I used the if …

Using IF Condition Inside a query in Laravel Read More »

Check if the checkbox is checked or not.

As per my previos post, what I did was get all the categories, now I wanted to change the categories checkbox status using ajax. For this I had to get the category ID and the checkbox status using javascript. My previous Code What we are doing here is checking if the input class with ‘checkbox_id’ …

Check if the checkbox is checked or not. Read More »

How to compare data in a relationship table with the main table without using more than one loop?

I had this problem where I had to get all the names from one table and get relation from another table and check if the relationship exists or not and if it exists, the checkbox must be checked. Let me clear the problem first. I need to show all the categories of the posts. So …

How to compare data in a relationship table with the main table without using more than one loop? Read More »