
How to add a column to an already existing table in Laravel using Migrations

First, you need to create the migration. While creating the migration file we need to make sure the name gives us an idea of what is going on. For example,if we are adding a column on the product table called product_price, we should first create a migration with the title Doing this way, we will …

How to add a column to an already existing table in Laravel using Migrations Read More »


A function to create slug from the given data in Laravel

Today, I needed to turn my title of the gallery I was making into url slug. So I searched the internet and came across this beautiful function that does so. So how to do this?First get the data. Then add a gallery slug into that data using the above function. For example Don’t forget to …

A function to create slug from the given data in Laravel Read More »

Checkboxes and the logic behind updating them

My task for the day was to build checkboxes of all the categories available for the posts. One post may have multiple categories. The first thing to do was to build a form where the multiple checkboxes are dynamically available and add them to the post-category relationship table (add only the id of both post …

Checkboxes and the logic behind updating them Read More »

Silly mistakes you can make while uploading images or files in Laravel

There are many ways to upload files and images in Laravel. One of them is uploading the images/files to the storage folder. But the storage folder doesn’t really provide public access meaning it doesn’t give permission to view the files that are stored within the storage folder. For the users to be able to view …

Silly mistakes you can make while uploading images or files in Laravel Read More »

Best GIT practice when you are just starting up.

This article is for beginners who have just started using GIT. Today, I have come up with the best practices that you can do when you and your team are using GIT. As we all know that GIT is a version control system, but different versions merging may cause conflicts when members are working on …

Best GIT practice when you are just starting up. Read More »

Wanna start your career as a developer? Learn Git First.

If you want to start your career as a developer then the first thing you need to learn before anything is GIT. I cannot express how important it is to learn GIt.  Learn Git and push code every single day.  So What is Git? In simple terms, It’s a Version Control System. But how will …

Wanna start your career as a developer? Learn Git First. Read More »


How to import sql database using Terminal?

Uploading the database to your XAMPP phpmyadmin is faster using Terminal than doing it from phpmyadmin. For this please follow the following steps. Open the Terminal and cd into the folder where the sql database you need to upload is located. Login to your mysql using the commondmysql -u”Your Username” -p”Your Password” If the terminal …

How to import sql database using Terminal? Read More »